Package-level declarations
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor
blockHeaderFor, blockHeaderFromHex, and merkleBlockFor
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor
blockHeaderFor, blockHeaderFromHex, and merkleBlockFor
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor
blockHeaderFor, blockHeaderFromHex, and merkleBlockFor
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
This library is comprehensive and therefore complex. Learning it is best accomplished via example code, with this documentation used as a reference. The library contains Wallet, Blockchain, Network and Scripting sections. All are needed to implement a fully-functional Nexa wallet, but portions can be used separately if full functionality is not needed.
Basic Objects
Multiple blockchains are supported via the ChainSelector object. Currently this includes Nexa and Bitcoin Cash, and all of the secondary (i.e. regtest and testnet) networks for these two blockchains.
This is accomplished using a class hierarchy, with interfaces designated by iXXXX (for example iBlockHeader, iBlock, iTransaction, iTxInput, iTxOutput, iTxOutpoint). These interfaces are implemented by a class that implements common functionality "CommonBlockHeader", and this class is the parent of blockchain-specific derived classes (NexaBlockHeader, BchBlockHeader).
Rather than create instances of blockchain-specific classes, it is best to use the "xxxFor" and "xxxFrom" APIs (blockFor, blockFromHex, blockHeaderFor, txFor, txFromHex, txInputFor, txOutputFor).
These "factory" APIs create the correct derived class, returning the interface type. Using them, it is surprising how much common code can be written that works across both BCH and NEXA, and potentially other UTXO-based chains.
Blockchains and Wallets
APIs exist to create wallets, launch blockchains, and attach the two. Right now, a wallet can only attach to a single blockchain. See newWallet, openWallet, and deleteWallet.
The Blockchain class represents a blockchain and synchronizes with the public chain. It stores block headers to a database and has APIs to query the chain.
Blockchain objects (Blocks and Transactions)
Although one may create Nexa or Bch objects directly, it is recommended that construction of blockchain objects occur via global helper functions:
These functions will create the correct blockchain-specific derived class, returning the parent iXXXX object. By doing this whenever possible, you maximize the likelihood that your source code will apply to multiple blockchains. To use blockchain-specific functionality, you may downcast "(header as NexaBlockHeader)" when needed.
Network Access
You may access either P2P or Electrum nodes in the network via the RequestMgr class. This class automatically manages connection for you. Going lower, you may directly connect to a specific node via the P2pClient or ElectrumClient classes.
Full scripting functionality is available via the OP class, which captures all opcodes, and via the SatoshiScript and ScriptTemplate classes.
The SatoshiScript class is the generalized script language. ScriptTemplate creates the Nexa-specific script template transaction output. Note that a partner library Nexa Script Machine can be used to execute and debug these scripts.
At the top level, the Bip44Wallet exists to create an manage a bip-44 compliant (meaning based on a 12-word recovery key) wallet. If set up, this object automatically uses the Blockchain Network and Scripting APIs to automatically sync with the blockchain and parse and create transactions. However, it is also possible to use this object in an offline mode, simply by not "hooking" it to a network object. After creating this object, use the Wallet interface for general purpose functionality, to allow your code to work with any wallet type.
import org.nexa.libnexakotlin.*
class Test
fun docObjectExample()
// This is the Nexa genesis block
val hdr = blockFromHex(ChainSelector.NEXA, "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")
println("Height ${hdr.height} Size ${hdr.size} Chain Work ${hdr.chainWork}")
val tx = hdr.txes[0]
println("Tx 0 inputs: ${tx.inputs.size}")
println("Tx 0 outputs: ${tx.outputs.size}")
// I'm cheating here a little because I know this is the genesis block so I know that the last output
// of the last transaction is text within an OP_RETURN script.
val output0Asm = tx.outputs.last().script.toAsm(" ")
println("tx 0 output 0: $output0Asm")
val stmts = tx.outputs.last().script.parsed()
println("\nNexa genesis block says:" + OP.parse(stmts.last()).data!!.decodeUtf8())
// Create a regtest address object
val addr = PayAddress("nexareg:nqtsq5g53q3sqyhhp45a86792a7wkkm3gyw9gylhp7kr703l")
fun docWalletExample()
// This needs to be run before APIs are called, but you should do a single time upon app startup
// This call automatically creates the underlying blockchain object if it hasn't already been created.
val wal = openOrNewWallet("exampleWallet", ChainSelector.NEXAREGTEST)
// Note that the blockchain may also be syncing headers simultaneously with the wallet syncing, so both
// numbers may increase.
// Sync also depends on time -- if the synced block isn't recent enough the wallet does not believe its
// synced. So if you are using REGTEST make sure you have recently created a new block before running this test.
println("syncing ${wal.chainstate?.syncedHeight} of ${wal.blockchain.curHeight}..." )
val newAddress = wal.getNewAddress()
println("wallet balance is: ${wal.balance}. An address for this wallet is ${newAddress}.")
// send some coins to myself. Amounts in this library are ALWAYS in the finest unit.
wal.send(10000, wal.getNewAddress())
catch (e: WalletNotEnoughBalanceException)
if (wal.balance <= 10000) println("You don't have enough coins to actually send.")
Header of a block for bitcoin-family cryptocurrencies
A block that contains a subset of the total number of transactions, and includes a merkle proof that the provided transactions are part of the block
Bitcoin transaction
Spend a coin (aka UTXO, prevout) in a transaction
Output of a bitcoin transaction
Helper class that saves/loads data needed by the Bip44Wallet
Access and track a blockchain
An array of block hashes, starting at the current block, and ending at the genesis block. The creator can skip blocks, populating whatever hashes he feels is most likely to identify a specific chain, closest to the splitoff point. Typically, some kind of exponential backoff is used. For example: The next 10 hashes are the previous 10 blocks (gap 1). After these, the gap is multiplied by 2 for each hash, until the genesis block is added
Bloom filter update flags Must be consistent with same named fields in C++ code in bloom.h:bloomflags
This class is needed because ByteArray's equality is by object, not contents. So ByteArrays probably do not work as you expect as the key in any map-like data structures, for example.
Call the passed function after this function has been called 'count times
Organize multiple callbacks for a function that accepts a single parameter
Organize multiple callbacks for a function that accepts two parameters. This is a convenience class for this common case. For larger numbers of parameters you can always place them in an object or a list and use the single-parameter callbacker
A CAPD message (see
Identify the cryptocurrency/blockchain.
The CnxnMgr handles discovery, connection, and maintenance of all connections into the Peer-2-Peer network. This allows higher layers to treat peers as a grab bag of nodes, ignoring issues like reconnecting, periodically cycling connections, and searching for new nodes.
This class provides implementations to for functions that are common to many blockchains and wallet types
Open a JSON-RPC over TCP connection to an Electrum X server
Electrum server never replied
The reply doesn't adhere to the protocol in some manner
The request was not accepted by the server
A passed entity was not found (transaction, block, scripthash, etc).
Electrum server never replied
Electrum server never replied
This class behaves like a function and its sole purpose is to wrap a bytearray into another class so that when we serialize it we know not to include the length
Extended inventory object -- uses a variable sized byte array is the identifier rather than the constant 32 bytes of Inv
Helper class that glues a wallet to a blockchain
Helper class to pass around ip and port pairs If resolutionNeeded is true, the system will use a nslookup to resolve this to ip addresses, and return a random one (if the domain is a seeder that returns multiple choices) when resolve is called
defines what UTXOs are being spent and proves ability to spend
Reference to a UTXO
defines new UTXOs
A connection manager that handles connections to multiple nodes
Application should set this to put network operations into their own context (for performance)
Header of a block for Nexa
A block that contains a subset of the total number of transactions, and includes a merkle proof that the provided transactions are part of the block
Construct a Nexa-style sighash type byte array
blockchain transaction
Spend a coin (aka UTXO, prevout) in a transaction
Output of a bitcoin transaction
Represents a "standard" P2PKH payment destination
Represents a "standard" P2PKT payment destination
Represents an arbitrary P2SH destination
Represents a P2PK (pay to public key) destination wrapped in a P2SH script
A destination for payments. This includes all the information needed to send and spend from this destination. It is often assumed that Bitcoin addresses are payment destinations, but this is not true. You really need an output script, and also (if P2SH) a redeem script. The reason why P2PKH addresses "work" as payment destinations is because they imply a specific script. But "baking in" this assumption will make the wallet a lot less flexible.
This is a clean-room implementation of PBKDF2 using RFC 2898 as a reference.
keep track of when something can happen, if there's a minimum time interval where it should happen
This class tracks possible blockchain nodes -- we have learned about this node from some source but the data may not be accurate
A script the can be run in Nexa or BCH transaction validation virtual machine
This represents something that can be spent. It may not be spendable by ME, in which case the secret and perhaps other items will be unknown
Extended inventory object -- uses a variable sized byte array is the identifier rather than the constant 32 bytes of Inv
Let's be blunt: Kotlin enums are unusable
This class behaves like a function and its sole purpose is to wrap a bytearray into another class so that when we serialize it we know to include the length
This class defines a wallet interface. A wallet is a set of payment destinations that are being tracked on a particular blockchain.
The number of decimal places needed to express 1 satoshi in the "normal" currency units
How to display BCH crypto unit
Convert a ChainSelector to its approx currency code at 100M units
Convert a ChainSelector to its currency code at 100M/1000 units
Convert a ChainSelector to its uri and address prefix
The decimal number 0, with the correct "currency" rounding mode CurrencyMath. Same as CURRENCY_ZERO
The decimal number 1, with the correct "currency" rounding mode CurrencyMath.
The decimal number -1, with the correct "currency" rounding mode CurrencyMath.
The decimal number 0, with the correct "currency" rounding mode CurrencyMath. Same as CURRENCY_0
Convert a uri or address prefix to a ChainSelector -- throws exception if not found
Tell the system details about how we want bigdecimal math handled
How many decimal places we need to do math without creating cumulative rounding errors
How convert BigDecimals to strings in preparation for serialization/deserialization
Adjust how many blocks are held in RAM
Adjust how many headers are held in RAM
Adjust how many merkle blocks are held in RAM
Adjust how many tx are held in RAM
How all fiat currencies are displayed (2 decimal places)
callback to notify app of any exception that happened within the coroutine launch. Return False to raise the exception, causing program abort. If null, exception is logged and ignored
Application should set this to put non-network libnexakotlin operations into their own context (for performance). network operations have their own context: @ref NetExecContext
Provide the line separator for this platform
Network-defined bloom filter maximum size TODO: associate this value with the blockchain
How the mBCH crypto unit is displayed (5 optional decimal places)
The number of decimal places needed to express 1 Satoshi (or equivalent) in the units used in the GUI
add or remove elements in this list to control the servers that we use to get electrum data by default
How the NEXA crypto unit is displayed (2 optional decimal places)
How the NEX crypto is displayed in input fields (2 optional decimal places, no thousands separator)
Tell the system details about how we want bigdecimal math handled
add or remove elements in this list to control the servers that we use to get electrum data by default
Satoshis (finest unit) per microBCH unit
Redefine this to override how source loc files are shown
Return true if this platform supports ktor TLS TCP sockets
The number of decimal places needed to express 1 Satoshi (or equivalent) in the units used in the GUI
How the uBCH crypto unit is displayed (2 optional decimal places)
tell the system details about how we want bigdecimal math handled
Convert a uri or address prefix to a ChainSelector -- throws exception if not found
In platforms that use an application context object (Android), return that object. This is meant to be called only in platform specific upper layers, so each platform specific code should "know" what to cast the returned Any into.
convert this byte to an int, treating the byte as unsigned I am wrapping toUByte() because something seems broken there -- toUInt().toInt() sign extends, toUByte does not. This seems inconsistent confusing.
Close a connection to trigger an early wake
Given recovery phrase words converted to a byte array (see @Bip39WordsToBytes) calculate the bip39 checksum
Return the Bip44 address number based on this blockchain
Construct the proper derived-class block object for the passed blockchain, and initialize it from the passed serialized data
Construct the proper derived-class block object for the passed blockchain, based on the passed serialized hex string
Construct the proper derived-class block header object for the passed blockchain, and initialize it from the passed serialized data
Construct the proper derived-class block header object for the passed blockchain, based on the passed serialized hex string
This function will split the wallet's native coin so that there are numUtxos of amt satoshis. If the wallet already has some UTXOs that fit the requirements, they count. So its possible that no transactions will be created
This function will split the wallet's Tokens so that there are numUtxos of amt satoshis. If the wallet already has some UTXOs that fit the requirements, they count. So its possible that no transactions will be created
Connect to, and return an existing blockchain. Create the blockchain object and start it processing, if it does not already exist
Convert a BigDecimal of unknown math mode (rounding & precision) into one that is appropriate for currency mathematics (with lots of decimal places)
Create a BigDecimal that is appropriate for currency mathematics (with lots of decimal places)
Convert a TxOutput type raw byte into a type enum
Convert transaction output type into a script type (for correct annotation of the script contained in the output)
Convert a script type into the type field needed for the script to be used in a transaction output
Decode a token description document JSON file into a TokenDesc structure, the hash of the proper part of the TDD, and its signature bytes. check the signature and fill TokenDesc pubkey with the resulting pubkey if an address is provided, and the signature matches that address.
Convert a byte array that contains a utf8 string into a String
Path should not contain extension (will be added) & directories may be ignored if the platform places its databases in a standard location.
Delete a wallet on disk
Deserialize any object that is nullable, but prepending a byte indicating whether this object is null or not. This API should only be used for DISK serialization because this nullable technique is not part of the network protocol. However, in one case we store to disk the network serialization of an object (if it exists).
Returns the minimum amount of native coins (in the finest unit) that must be in every UTXO.
Convert a string into a utf-8 encoded byte array.
Convert a string into a utf-8 encoded byte array.
Convert a string into a utf-8 encoded byte array.
Returns milliseconds since the epoch
Returns milliseconds since the epoch
Returns milliseconds since the epoch
Returns milliseconds since the epoch
Returns seconds since the epoch
Returns seconds since the epoch
Returns seconds since the epoch
Returns seconds since the epoch
Get a BigDecimal from a string
Get a BigDecimal from a string
Calculate the ancestor height of the block at the passed height. This follows the Nexa ancestor algorithm, returning the height of the block indicated by the ancestorHash in the Nexa block header.
Return the directory that this application may use for its files
Return the directory that this application may use for its files
Return the directory that this application may use for its files
Access system properties or environment variables (in that order of preference)
Return false if this node has no internet connection, or true if it does or null if you can't tell
Return false if this node has no internet connection, or true if it does or null if you can't tell
Return false if this node has no internet connection, or true if it does or null if you can't tell
Return false if this node has no internet connection, or true if it does or null if you can't tell
Return false if this node has no internet connection, or true if it does or null if you can't tell
Return false if this node has no internet connection, or true if it does or null if you can't tell
Initialize the lowest level nexa library. This function loads the .so file and calls a "native" init function.
Turn the lowest '1' bit in the binary representation of a number into a '0'.
given a byte array, convert it into some string form of IP address Should support ipv4 and ipv6 at a minimum
given a byte array, convert it into some string form of IP address Should support ipv4 and ipv6 at a minimum
Construct the proper derived-class merkle block object for the passed blockchain, and initialize it from the passed serialized data
Get a new scope to handle all coroutines related to a particular spending proposal
Create a new wallet. A HD BIP44 compliant recovery key will be automatically generated.
Create a BigDecimal that is appropriate for Nexa currency mathematics (with 2 decimal places)
Create a wallet that is not actively connected to a blockchain. This is used in applications that trust a blockchain data provider, or just for operations like signing messages. You still need to tell me what blockchain this wallet uses so it can create addresses in the proper space.
Create a wallet that is not actively connected to a blockchain. This is used in applications that trust a blockchain data provider, or just for operations like signing messages. You still need to tell me what blockchain this wallet uses so it can create addresses in the proper space.
Open a plain key/value pair database for general storage
Open this wallet if it exists, or create a new HD BIP44 wallet
Open an existing HD BIP44 wallet.
If you are going to create a wallet DB, you must specify the chain. Otherwise its optional (will be loaded from the db)
Construct the proper derived-class outpoint object for the passed blockchain, based on the passed serialized bytes
Construct the proper derived-class outpoint object for the passed blockchain, based on the transaction identifier, and output index. You must provide the proper identifier for this blockchain (e.g. use txid for BCH and txidem for Nexa).
This function create a pay-to-pubkey-template address from a pubkey. This is very uncommon since it cannot be used to sign anything and typically if the address isn't yours, you would have been given the address, not the pubkey. It is used when recovering pubkeys from signed messages or from inside scripts.
Provide the best ktor http client (engine) offered by this platform
Create a new HD BIP44 wallet from an recovery phrase.
convert a domain name into an address
convert a domain name into an address
Parse out the data that would be pushed to the script stack from a byte array that corresponds to a script instruction.
Parse out a script num from a byte array that corresponds to a script instruction pushing it to the script's stack
Show a particular property of an object (internal CLI API)
Show the an object (internal CLI API)
Show the properties of an object (internal CLI API)
signs a transaction in place, with all inputs that have a BCHspendable with secrets (skips those that do not so others can sign) by default the sighashtype is ALL/ALL
Return the source location of the caller (for debugging and logging)
split a (IP or FQDN):port formatted string (e.g or into a string IP address (or FQDN) and an integer port
Get this string as a BigDecimal currency value (using your default locale's number representation)
tokenizeScriptBin is the opposite of flatten in the sense that each element in data will be 1 instruction
convert this byte to an Int, treating the byte as unsigned
convert this byte to a Long, treating the byte as unsigned
convert this byte to an unsigned Int, treating the byte as unsigned
convert this byte to an unsigned Long, treating the byte as unsigned
Construct the proper derived-class transaction object for the passed blockchain
Construct the proper derived-class transaction object for the passed blockchain, based on the passed serialized bytes
Construct the proper derived-class transaction object for the passed blockchain, based on the passed serialized hex string
Construct the proper derived-class transaction input object for the passed blockchain. This object is created with default values that then need to be set to an actual input for use.
Construct the proper derived-class transaction input object for the passed blockchain, for the passed Spendable object. This does not solve the input (create a valid input script), since that would require the complete transaction.
Construct the proper derived-class transaction output object for the passed blockchain This object is created with default values that then need to be set to an actual output for use.
Construct the proper derived-class transaction output object for the passed blockchain, and initialize it from the passed serialized data
Construct the proper derived-class transaction output object for the passed blockchain, and initialize it from the passed data
Construct the proper derived-class transaction output object to send tokens (and some native). Only works for Nexa family.
Create a BigDecimal that is appropriate for u-BCH (micro bitcoin cash) currency mathematics (with 2 decimal places)