
This class tracks possible blockchain nodes -- we have learned about this node from some source but the data may not be accurate


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constructor(passedIpp: IpPort, keepForever: Boolean = false)

If the ipp string contains a port number in the format ip:port, then that port overrides the portp parameter

constructor(ipp: String, portp: Int, keepForever: Boolean = false)

If the ipp string contains a port number in the format ip:port, then that port overrides the portp parameter

constructor(stream: BCHserialized)


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var port: Int
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var time: Long


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open override fun BCHdeserialize(stream: BCHserialized): BCHserialized
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open override fun BCHserialize(format: SerializationType): BCHserialized
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Get this prospect in domain:port form.

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Returns true if this prospect has a plausible ip address and port. A port of -1 is considered valid for the purposes of this API, since that means "use the default port for your service". This API does not check to see whether this prospect is actually alive.

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returns this prospect for in "domain (ip address):port" form. useful for debug/logging.

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open fun toByteArray(format: SerializationType = SerializationType.UNKNOWN): ByteArray