
open class SatoshiScript(val chainSelector: ChainSelector) : BCHserializable

A script the can be run in Nexa or BCH transaction validation virtual machine



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constructor(chainSelector: ChainSelector, script: String, typ: SatoshiScript.Type = Type.SATOSCRIPT)

Construct a script from a hex string, which is a serialized script

constructor(chainSelector: ChainSelector, exactBytes: MutableList<ByteArray>, typ: SatoshiScript.Type = Type.SATOSCRIPT)

Construct a script from a list of raw bytes

constructor(chainSelector: ChainSelector, typ: SatoshiScript.Type, vararg instructions: ByteArray)

Construct a script from raw bytes

constructor(chainSelector: ChainSelector, typ: SatoshiScript.Type, vararg instructions: OP)

Construct a script from individual instructions

constructor(chainSelector: ChainSelector, buf: BCHserialized)

Create this script object from serialized data

constructor(chainSelector: ChainSelector)


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object Companion
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data class MatchResult(val type: PayAddressType, val params: MutableList<ByteArray>, val grouped: Boolean = false)

The result of attempting to match a script to well known script forms, pulling out the variable parts, such as public keys.

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Script type


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Parse common script types (P2PKH, P2SH, script template) and return the address or null if the script is not standard.

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val size: Int

The length of this script in bytes (serialized)

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What type of script is this


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fun add(vararg opcodes: OP): SatoshiScript

Append new instructions to this script

Append a raw instruction to this script

Append raw script bytes to this script. Note! Use add(OP.push(...)) to push data into a script

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fun asSerializedByteArray(st: SerializationType = SerializationType.UNKNOWN): ByteArray

Wraps this script into a serialized byte array. That is, a byte array of script bytes. This is different than toByteArray which just returns the script bytes.

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open override fun BCHdeserialize(stream: BCHserialized): BCHserialized

Clear any current script bytes, and replace them with the passed serialized script

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open override fun BCHserialize(format: SerializationType): BCHserialized

Serialize this script

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Compare whether 2 scripts are the same.

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Make a copy of this script

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Take a copy of stack element at offset as it would appear on the stack, returning the copy and the range copied from. Offset MUST point to a PUSH operation.

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Turn a byte array (from the script stack) into a group amount

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Compare whether 2 scripts are the same. Same as contentEquals

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Converts the internal representation to a single ByteArray

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Replace any data currently in this script with the passed hex-encoded binary script. Note that this function does NOT check to ensure that the passed hex-encoded binary data is a valid script.

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If this is a P2SH satisfier script, get its redeem script. Warning, this just returns the last script data push as a script, so if this is NOT a P2SH satisfier script, you will get weird results.

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fun grouped(grpId: GroupId, tokenAmt: Long): SatoshiScript

If this script is a script template output, put a token group and token amount into the script template output

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fun groupInfo(nativeAmount: Long): GroupInfo?

Return the Group annotation associated with this script, or null if ungrouped

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Parse common script forms, P2PKH and P2PKT, and P2SH (in BCH only) and return useful data

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fun matches(template: SatoshiScript, prefix: Boolean = false): MutableList<ByteArray>?

Attempt to match this script (or just the beginning of it) to a script form.

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fun matchesByBytes(template: SatoshiScript, prefix: Boolean = false): MutableList<ByteArray>?

Attempt to match this script (or just the beginning of it) to a script form

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Return the P2SH constraint (output) script corresponding to this redeem script

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Return the P2SH part of the satisfier (input) script corresponding to this redeem script. You must subsequently append a push-only script that provides the arguments required by the redeem script.

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Returns true if this script has replacable marker parameters in it (its not a valid executable script yet).

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Parse is the opposite of flatten in the sense that each element in data will be 1 instruction

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fun parseTemplate(nativeAmount: Long): ScriptTemplate?

Given an output script in script template format, parse its data items

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operator fun plus(rawscript: ByteArray): SatoshiScript

Append raw script bytes to this script, returning a new script. Note! Use '+ OP.push(...)' to push data into a script")

operator fun plus(opcode: OP): SatoshiScript

Append an opcode to this script, returning a new script.

operator fun plus(script: SatoshiScript): SatoshiScript

concatenate a script to the end of this one, returning the joined script

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iterate through the script, looking for replaceable marker opcodes. If a marker is found, call the callback with the marker.

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The single SHA256 hash of this script. Used by some services as a global pointer identifying the script

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The RIPEMD160 of the SHA256 hash of this script. Used by P2SH scripts

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fun toAsm(separator: String = " "): String

Convert to assembly code

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open fun toByteArray(format: SerializationType = SerializationType.UNKNOWN): ByteArray

Convert this script to a serialized byte array (suitable for network, execution or hashing)

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fun toHex(): String

Convert to hex

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fun toOPs(): List<OP>

Convert to a list of opcodes

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open override fun toString(): String

convert this script to a human readable format

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This script with native group annotation