
class ElectrumClient(val chainSelector: ChainSelector, val name: String, val port: Int = DEFAULT_NEXA_SSL_ELECTRUM_PORT, val logName: String = name + ":" + port, autostart: Boolean = true, val useSSL: Boolean = true, connectTimeoutMs: Long = JsonRpc.CONNECT_TIMEOUT, accessTimeoutMs: Long = JsonRpc.ACCESS_TIMEOUT) : JsonRpc

Open a JSON-RPC over TCP connection to an Electrum X server


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constructor(chainSelector: ChainSelector, name: String, port: Int = DEFAULT_NEXA_SSL_ELECTRUM_PORT, logName: String = name + ":" + port, autostart: Boolean = true, useSSL: Boolean = true, connectTimeoutMs: Long = JsonRpc.CONNECT_TIMEOUT, accessTimeoutMs: Long = JsonRpc.ACCESS_TIMEOUT)


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data class BalanceReply(val result: ElectrumClient.BalanceResult)
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data class BalanceResult(val confirmed: Int = 0, val unconfirmed: Int = 0)
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data class ErrorCodeMessage(val code: Int, val message: String)
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data class ErrorCodeReply(val error: ElectrumClient.ErrorCodeMessage, val id: Int, val jsonrpc: String)
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data class ErrorReply(val error: String)
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data class FeaturesReply(val result: ElectrumClient.FeaturesResult)
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data class FeaturesResult(val genesis_hash: String, val hash_function: String, val server_version: String, val protocol_max: String, val protocol_min: String, val pruning: Int? = null)
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data class FirstUseReply(val result: ElectrumClient.FirstUseResult)
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data class FirstUseResult(val block_hash: String? = null, val block_height: Int? = null, val tx_hash: String? = null)
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data class GetHistoryReply(val result: List<ElectrumClient.GetHistoryResult>)
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data class GetHistoryResult(val height: Int, val tx_hash: String)
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data class GetTokenHistoryReply(val result: ElectrumClient.TokenHistoryWithCursor)
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data class GetUtxoReply(val result: ElectrumClient.GetUtxoResult)
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data class GetUtxoResult(val amount: Long, val height: Int, val scripthash: String, val status: String, val spent: ElectrumClient.GetUtxoSpentInfo)
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data class GetUtxoSpentInfo(val height: Int?, val tx_hash: String?, val tx_pos: Int?)
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data class HeaderNotification(val params: Array<ElectrumClient.HeaderResult>)
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data class HeaderReply(val result: ElectrumClient.HeaderResult)
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data class HeaderResult(val height: Long, val hex: String)
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data class HeadersReply(val result: ElectrumClient.HeadersResult)
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data class HeadersResult(val count: Int, val hex: String, val max: Int)
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data class ListUnspentReply(val result: Array<ElectrumClient.ListUnspentResult>)
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data class ListUnspentResult(val has_token: Boolean = false, val height: Int, val tx_pos: Int, val tx_hash: String, val outpoint_hash: String? = null, val value: Long)
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data class StringReply(val result: String)
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data class TokenGenesisInfoReply(val result: TokenGenesisInfo)
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data class TokenGetBalanceReply(val result: ElectrumClient.TokenGetBalanceResult)
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data class TokenGetBalanceResult(val confirmed: Map<String, Long>, val unconfirmed: Map<String, Long>, val cursor: String?)
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data class TokenHistoryWithCursor(val cursor: String?, val history: Array<ElectrumClient.GetHistoryResult>)
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data class TokenListUnspentResult(val unspent: Array<ElectrumClient.UnspentInfo>, val cursor: String?)
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data class UnspentInfo(val group: String, val height: Long, val outpoint_hash: String, val token_amount: Long, val token_id_hex: String, val tx_pos: Long, val value: Long, val tx_hash: String)
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data class VersionReply(val result: List<String>)


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val json: Json
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The version this electrum client supports

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val port: Int
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var reqId: Int
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how long to wait before giving up on a request

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val useSSL: Boolean = false


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fun call(method: String, params: List<Any?>?, response: (String?) -> Unit): Int
fun call(method: String, params: List<Any?>?, timeoutInMs: Int): String?
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fun close(reason: String)
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fun features(timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.FeaturesResult
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fun getBalance(address: PayAddress, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.BalanceResult
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fun getBchUtxo(hexTxHash: String, outIdx: Int, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.GetUtxoResult
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fun getFirstUse(scriptHash: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.FirstUseResult
fun getFirstUse(script: SatoshiScript, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.FirstUseResult

fun getFirstUse(scriptHash: Hash256, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.FirstUseResult

Get confirmed and unconfirmed activity in a script

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fun getHeader(height: Int, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ByteArray

Get the serialized header for the block at the supplied height

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fun getHeadersFor(cs: ChainSelector, height: Int, count: Int, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): List<iBlockHeader>

Return serialized headers for the blocks beginning at the supplied height

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fun getHistory(scriptHash: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Array<Pair<Int, Hash256>>
fun getHistory(scriptHash: Hash256, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Array<Pair<Int, Hash256>>
fun getHistory(script: SatoshiScript, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Array<Pair<Int, Hash256>>

Get confirmed and unconfirmed activity in a script

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fun getTip(timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Pair<iBlockHeader, Long>

Get the current blockchain tip

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fun getTipBytes(timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Pair<ByteArray, Long>

Get the current blockchain tip

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fun getTokenBalance(address: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.TokenGetBalanceResult
fun getTokenBalance(address: PayAddress, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.TokenGetBalanceResult
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fun getTokenGenesisInfo(tokenType: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout*2): TokenGenesisInfo
fun getTokenGenesisInfo(tokenType: GroupId, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): TokenGenesisInfo
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fun getTokenHistory(tokenId: String, cursor: String? = null, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Array<Pair<Int, Hash256>>
fun getTokenHistory(tokenId: GroupId, cursor: String? = null, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Array<Pair<Int, Hash256>>

Get confirmed and unconfirmed activity in a script

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fun getTokenUnspent(address: String, tokenId: String? = null, cursor: String? = null, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.TokenListUnspentResult
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fun getTx(txHash: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): iTransaction
fun getTx(txHash: Hash256, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): iTransaction

Get a transaction by hash

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fun getTxAt(height: Int, idx: Int, blockMerkleRoot: Hash256? = null, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): iTransaction

Get the transaction at the specified block height and offset. Requires multiple server calls.

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fun getTxDetails(txHash: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): JsonElement
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fun getTxHashAt(height: Int, idx: Int, blockMerkleRoot: Hash256? = null, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Hash256

Get the transaction hash at the specified block height and offset.

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fun getTxOld(txHash: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): iTransaction
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fun getUtxo(outpointHex: String, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.GetUtxoResult
fun getUtxo(inp: NexaTxInput, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.GetUtxoResult
fun getUtxo(inp: iTxOutpoint, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): ElectrumClient.GetUtxoResult
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fun listUnspent(destination: PayDestination, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): List<Spendable>

Get spendable output for a pay destination you own.

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fun nextId(): Int
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fun <T> parse(method: String, params: List<String>?, serializer: KSerializer<T>, response: (T?) -> Unit)
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fun ping(timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout)
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fun run()
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fun sendTx(serializedTx: ByteArray, timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): String

Send out a transaction

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fun start()
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fun stop()
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fun subscribe(method: String, params: List<Any?>? = null, response: (String?) -> Unit)
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fun subscribeHeaders(callback: (iBlockHeader) -> Unit)

Subscribe to blockchain headers. Issues a callback with the blockchain tip when a new block is found.

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Unsubscribes from blockchain headers.

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fun version(timeoutInMs: Int = requestTimeout): Pair<String, String>

Get the server version