
class MultiNodeCnxnMgr(val name: String, netType: ChainSelector, seed: Array<IpPort>) : CommonCnxnMgr

A connection manager that handles connections to multiple nodes


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constructor(name: String, netType: ChainSelector, seed: Array<IpPort>)


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Tell peers to only be interested in things that match this bloom

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val bannedLock: iMutex

Don't reconnect to these nodes

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a block has arrived. This could be a BCHBlock or a MerkleBlock

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If the connection state changes, this function will be called

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val cnxnLock: iGate

All current connections

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What index in the sorted list of prospects are we on

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val dataLock: iGate
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Maintain this many connections to the bitcoin network

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Active seeders

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True if the connection manager should stop operating & clean up any threads

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open override val electrumCnxns: List<ElectrumClient>

Get the current list of electrum protocol connections It is better to use the connection getter functions, rather than accessing this list. This is meant for display, health and statistics, rather than access

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val electrumConnectionPacer: LeakyBucket
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supply electrum server ip and ports if we need them

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a block header has arrived

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This connection is coming up

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var invCallback: (List<Inv>) -> Unit?

a notification of an object's existence has arrived

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open override val name: String

returns this connection manager's name (typically the blockchain's name). used for logging/debug

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If a seeder was supplied, store its domain name here

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open override val p2pCnxns: List<P2pClient>

Get the current list of peer-to-peer connections It is better to use the connection getter functions, rather than accessing this list. This is meant for display, health and statistics, rather than access

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A partially complete MerkleBlock arrived

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if this is not null, try all communications to this connection first

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var processingThread: iThread?
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once we get into 0 priority prospects, if the length of prospects is this number then loop back to 0. This stops us from trying more than a few unlikely connections (provided by ADDR messages)

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val reconnectTimer: LeakyBucket

schedule connection retries: we'll take 5 per retry, so this results in a try every 5 seconds on average, but you can build up a max of 5 quick tries.

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open override val rejectHandler: Callbacker<RejectInfo>

Add a callback to handle incoming transactions

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open override val size: Int

Returns the number of currently connected peers.

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If fully connected, close a connection whose average latency is this (in milliseconds) to free up space for something faster

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If a message of a certain type comes in, call this callback with the message for processing

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val wakingDelay: iGate


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Return a list of connections that are active (either connected or being initialized)

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open override fun add(inIpp: IpPort, priority: Int, keepForever: Boolean)
open override fun add(ip: String, port: Int, priority: Int, keepForever: Boolean)

Add a new possible P2P connection into the manager

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open override fun addBlockHandler(cb: (List<out iBlockHeader>) -> Unit)

Add a callback to handle incoming blocks -- downcast the parameter to either BCHBlock or MerkleBlock

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open override fun addBlockHeadersHandler(cb: (List<out iBlockHeader>) -> Unit)

Add a callback to handle incoming block headers

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open override fun addInvHandler(cb: (List<Inv>) -> Unit)

Add a callback to handle incoming inventory (right now, only blocks, the CnxnMgr auto-handles tx INVs)

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open override fun addPartialBlockHandler(cb: (List<out iMerkleBlock>) -> Unit)

Add a callback to handle incoming incomplete MerkleBlocks

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open override fun addTxHandler(cb: (List<out iTransaction>) -> Unit)

Add a callback to handle incoming transactions

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fun awaitAvailable(maxDelay: Long): Boolean
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fun ban(nodeIp: String, bd: BanData)

Do not connect to this node again (until the ban list is cleared

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open override fun broadcastMsg(msg: CapdMsg)
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open override fun broadcastTransaction(tx: ByteArray)
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Go through the connection list, removing any dead connections (called automatically)

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open override fun clear()

clear all incoming messages, drop all connections

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open override fun clearBanned(ip: String?)

remove a node (or all nodes if ip==null) from the ban table

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open override fun connectedTo(ip: String, port: Int): Boolean

Returns true if we are connected to this node/port

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open suspend override fun coReport(problemCnxn: P2pClient?)

wake up and analyze my connections, especially the optional passed connection

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disconnect from the lowest N performing peers

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open override fun exclusiveNodes(nodes: Set<String>?)

Configure exclusive nodes. Use null to remove them. If some exclusive nodes are defined, the connection manager will only connect to them.

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fun find(name: String, portp: Int = -1): P2pClient?

Given a name and port, return the connection if we have one, or null if we don't. This includes pending connections

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open override fun getAnotherElectrum(notThese: Set<ElectrumClient>): ElectrumClient?

Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set, but not one of these. Returns null if no connections left. You must return any received connection back (when finished with it via returnElecturm

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open override fun getAnotherNode(notThese: Set<P2pClient>): P2pClient?

Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set, but not one of these. Returns null if no connections left

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open override fun getElectrum(): ElectrumClient

Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set. Tries 10 candidates then throws @ref ElectrumNoNodesException You must return the connection back to the connection manager via returnElectrum

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open override fun getNode(block: Int): P2pClient

Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set

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open suspend override fun getp2p(): P2pClient

Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set

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Loops looking for an alive connection, returns null if no connections are left

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Return a list of connections that are being initialized

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open override fun <T> mapConnections(mapfilter: (P2pClient) -> T?): List<T>

Returns a list of connected peers. This API works simultaneously as map (transformation) and filter functions and calls the passed function on every item in the connection list.

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open override fun misbehaving(cnxn: P2pClient, reason: BanReason, count: Int)

report a node as having a problem

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open override fun numPeers(): Int

Returns the number of currently connected peers

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open override fun preferNodes(nodes: Set<String>?)

Configure preferred nodes. Use null to remove an existing one. The connection manager always tries to connect to and use preferred nodes, but will also connect to other nodes.

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open override fun report(problemCnxn: P2pClient?)

wake up and analyze my connections, especially the optional passed connection

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open override fun restart()

Restart connection manager operation after suspend may have killed threads

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open override fun returnElectrum(e: ElectrumClient)

After calling getElectrum, give it back to the connection manager for reuse or to be cleaned up

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open override fun sendTransaction(tx: ByteArray)

Send a transaction to one node

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open override fun sendTransactions(txes: List<ByteArray>): Boolean

Broadcast a set of transactions to the network, returns true if transactions were sent (otherwise no nodes are available).

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open override fun setAddressFilter(bloom: ByteArray, onBloomInstalled: () -> Unit?)

tell all nodes, including future connections, that we are only interested in things that match this bloom filter. To enable multiple wallets to use the same Blockchain, do NOT use this API directly. Instead use the blockchain API

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open override fun start()

Start the connection manager processing thread

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open override fun stop()

Stop the connection manager processing thread asynchronously

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open override fun toString(): String