Common Cnxn Mgr
Tell peers to only be interested in things that match this bloom
Don't reconnect to these nodes
a block has arrived. This could be a BCHBlock or a MerkleBlock
If the connection state changes, this function will be called
Get the current list of electrum protocol connections It is better to use the connection getter functions, rather than accessing this list. This is meant for display, health and statistics, rather than access
supply electrum server ip and ports if we need them
a block header has arrived
Add a callback to handle incoming inventory (right now, only blocks, the CnxnMgr auto-handles tx INVs)
A partially complete MerkleBlock arrived
if this is not null, try all communications to this connection first
Add a callback to handle incoming transactions
If a message of a certain type comes in, call this callback with the message for processing
Add a potential node into the list of possible connections. If inIpp resolves to multiple addresses, a random one is chosen
Add a potential node into the list of possible connections
Add a callback to handle incoming blocks -- downcast the parameter to either BCHBlock or MerkleBlock
Add a callback to handle incoming block headers
Add a callback to handle incoming incomplete MerkleBlocks
Add a callback to handle incoming transactions
remove a node (or all nodes if ip==null) from the ban table
Returns true if we are connected to this node/port
Exclusively connect to a single node. All other existing connections will be dropped
Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set, but not one of these. Returns null if no connections left
Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set, but not one of these. Returns null if no connections left
Returns a random connection from the connection manager's node set
Loops looking for an alive connection, returns null if no connections are left
report a node as having a problem
Prefer a particular node. An existing connections may be dropped to make room
Returns an electrum connection. DO NOT USE AFTER RETURNING
Send a transaction to one node
Broadcast a set of transactions to the network, returns true if transactions were sent (otherwise no nodes are available).
tell all nodes, including future connections, that we are only interested in things that match this bloom filter. To enable multiple wallets to use the same Blockchain, do NOT use this API directly. Instead use the blockchain API