
data class Hash256(val hash: ByteArray = ByteArray(32, { _ -> 0 })) : BCHserializable


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constructor(hex: String)
constructor(stream: BCHserialized)
constructor(hash: ByteArray = ByteArray(32, { _ -> 0 }))


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object Companion


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open override fun BCHdeserialize(stream: BCHserialized): BCHserialized
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open override fun BCHserialize(format: SerializationType): BCHserialized
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operator fun compareTo(h: Any?): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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operator fun get(i: Int): Byte
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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operator fun set(i: Int, b: Byte)
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open fun toByteArray(format: SerializationType = SerializationType.UNKNOWN): ByteArray
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fun toHex(): String

Convert to the bitcoin standard hex representation

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open override fun toString(): String

The default display will be bitcoin standard hex representation (reversed hex)