
class CapdMsg(var data: ByteArray? = null) : BCHserializable

A CAPD message (see


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constructor(serialized: BCHserialized)

Create from network-serialized bytes

constructor(data: ByteArray? = null)


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object Companion
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When this message was created (seconds since epoch)

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The message contents

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the message's proof of work target. This should be adjusted based on your node's capd info

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When this message expires (seconds since createTime) max_int means never

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needed to prove this message's POW

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When the preimage of this is published, this message expires, null means no preimage


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open override fun BCHdeserialize(stream: BCHserialized): BCHserialized
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open override fun BCHserialize(format: SerializationType): BCHserialized
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fun check(): Boolean

Check whether this capd message is solved

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fun hash(): ByteArray?
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fun setWork(work: Long)
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fun solve(time: Long? = null): Boolean

Solve this capd message (in preparation for sending) with the provided valid time

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open fun toByteArray(format: SerializationType = SerializationType.UNKNOWN): ByteArray
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fun work(): BigInteger
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